Project Genesis

Purpose of Planets in Outer Space

Question: What’s the purpose of other planets? Some say that people get a certain kind of “energy” from other planets. I thought that everything came, and will always come, from G-d!

Answer: I think that when dealing with the “purpose” of something made by G-d, it is important to keep things in perspective. Since G-d is all-knowing and His intellect and plans are far beyond our own comprehension, it is crucial to remember that the best we can do is to use our own logic and common sense to get some insight as to the purpose of His creations. Even if we reach correct conclusions, it must still be assumed that our understanding is only a small part of the whole. With that being said, I believe that it is quite apparent that G-d created a world of order, which follows the laws of nature and science – all of which were created by G-d. Therefore, if it is true that the gravitational fields created by the other planets places the Earth in a viable position relative to the sun, this could be one reason for the creation of planets.

In terms of “energy”, I cannot answer you in any concrete way. Yet the Talmud does discuss the power of the constellations to affect the future. Again, this is by G-d’s choosing and not by any independent power that the stars have of their own. This is a crucial distinction, one which separates servants of G-d from the idolaters.

I hope this helped.

R’ Daniel Fleksher

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