Project Genesis

Kaddish for an Uncle

My uncle passed away this week and I am almost certain that there will not be anyone saying Kaddish for him. Can a nephew say Kaddish for him? My parents are already in the next world.

It would be a very good thing for your uncle’s soul if you were to say Kaddish for him. If he had children who can be encouraged to also say Kaddish that would also be a good thing. The main purpose in saying Kaddish is to testify to G-d’s greatness in the world. Even though G-d’s presence is diminished by the death of a person and the loss of a soul, nevertheless through saying Kaddish we affirm that G-d’s sanctity in this world has not been lessened, and we try to compensate in spiritual terms for this loss. Therefore saying Kaddish, and also learning Torah (or sponsoring Torah learning) in memory of your uncle will increase the way that G-d’s presence is felt in this world.

May you be comforted amongst all the mourners for Zion and Jerusalem, and may you continue to be a source of inspiration and care for the rest of your family and the rest of the world.

Rabbi David Sedley

1 Follow-up »

  1. For a parent we say kaddish for 11 months. Would it be the same length of time for an uncle?

    For saying kaddish it would also be 11 months.

    Comment by ATR — December 28, 2007 @ 4:29 am

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