Project Genesis

Jewish lack of missionary work

Question: Please explain why Jews do not practice missionary works like the Christians and Mormons and many other religions. It seems to me that while some religions actively seek to find people in need of spiritual guidance and spread the Word, Jewish practitioners don’t. I look at my community and all the open invitations from the Lutheran churches that say ” Welcome, come worship with us, our doors are open to all, join us!”. Yet the Jewish synagogues appear to me to be inclusive, private and unapproachable. Why?

Answer: Judaism is not a religion, exactly, but a world-historical movement, part of a revolutionary, liberating force in human affairs that started when the pyramids were new and that’s always operative on or near civilization’s cutting edge. Our mission is what it always was: to make the world more truly God-conscious, to bring what you might call the “higher consciousness” principles of Sinai more fully into the world and establish them here permanently for the greater good of all humanity.

You can join us in this cause and, indeed, you should, but you don’t need to become Jewish to do so and, indeed, you shouldn’t. God has already made you what you are, a non-Jew, but you can accept Israel’s religious beliefs and worldview and philosophy upon yourself without taking up the rites and rituals of Judaism. So you don’t need our shuls, or synagogues, the closest equivalent to what Christians call a church or temple: they’re not for you but for us; they are “schools” – that’s what shul means – where we recite communal prayers and study God’s Ways and try to make them ours. They are consciousness-altering centers that won’t alter your consciousness much, if at all, because they’re not designed for you. (You are welcome to visit, if you want; we’re not unapproachable, our shuls simply aren’t like any church you’ve ever heard about or been in.)

I hope this answer helps, at least a little. My name is Michael Dallen, incidentally. I wrote the book Rainbow Covenant: Torah and the Seven Universal Laws, about Israel’s “out-patient” or universal outreach department, the First or Noahide Covenant, or Universal Covenant, and the religious principles or laws pertaining to that covenant, which have been revealed to all human beings.


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