Project Genesis

Non-Kosher Pride

Question: T.S. Elliot said, “humility is the most difficult of all virtues to achieve; nothing dies harder than the desire to think well of self”. I’m finding this a remarkably true statement and would appreciate any suggestions or advice on how to stop thinking so much/well of myself? I haven’t acheived any great success or done anything to validate thinking so well of myself, yet I do.  It’s totally unfounded that I should think so highly of myself and I find it hard to proceed out of fear that any success, no matter how great or small, will lead me further down this dangerous, destructive path.

Answer: The problem with pride is not in thinking so much or well of oneself. The problem is feeling superior because of one’s strengths. The antidote for such thinking is recognizing and celebrating the uniqueness of each person that you meet, to learn what you are meant to learn from each life experience, and to walk humbly before your Creator and before a task called life that He has set before you and which is larger than each of us.

Best wishes!

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