Project Genesis

Was Abraham Jewish?

Question: Was Abraham a Jew?

Answer: Hi! “Was Abraham a Jew?? is an interesting question, and one that may be impossible to answer. It comes down to definitions. He wasn’t a party to the covenant made at Mount Sinai, and thus he wasn’t given the full set of 613 commandments (Mitzvos) that define Israel’s obligations.

On the other hand, that covenant at Mount Sinai, and all those Mitzvos – they were themselves an outgrowth of the covenant G-d made with Abraham. He was the founder of Israel, and everything that G-d did with them came from his relationship with Abraham. And since G-d’s goal in this world is to bring it and Israel to full completion – I think you could fairly say that everything that G-d does in the world, period, he does in order to fulfill the promise he made to Abraham.

Our sages say that Abraham kept the entire Torah before it was given. Whatever that means, it says something very significant about him.

There is actually a fair amount written on exactly which obligations did apply to Abraham and his descendents before the Torah was given. Not marrying people from Cana’an, circumcision, not eating from the sciatic nerve, the seven Noachide commandments as they differ from Torah obligations for Jews … One famous source is called the “P’rashas D’rachim??, if you’re interested in further research.

As I said, you’re asking a hard question.

Best wishes,
Michoel Reach

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