Project Genesis

How Can I Be Happy in Our Times?

Question: How is possible live in peace, love and health these days? There’s so much war, pain, so much poverty, and people feel so along!

Answer: No one could possibly deny that there is terrible suffering in the world. I’m not really sure, though, that there’s more of it now than at any other time in history: there have always been frightening wars and diseases etc. and the Jewish people have a long, uninterrupted record of very hard memories.

The practical question, of course, is how do we deal with it. On the one hand, we can’t allow ourselves to be swallowed up in sadness over what happens around us as that will prevent us from living normal and productive Jewish lives. on the other hand, though, we certainly can’t simply ignore all the pain and go about our lives pretending it’s not happening.

Here, then, are two possible suggestions: We could devote some time regularly (perhaps every day) to thinking about other people and their needs. Not just thinking, of course, but praying for them and, even more important, considering which practical steps we can take to help. This could be as simple as committing ourselves to stronger Torah observance in the merit of which God will, if He sees fit, lighten the load on the shoulders of someone who needs it.

We could also consider the idea that our own personal happiness does not depend on any particular circumstances or conditions: people can, if they choose, be optimistic and happy in the gravest of situations. Remembering that happiness is independent of what’s going on around us is a powerful tool in becoming more effective and productive – and thereby in improving the lives of everyone who knows us!

I hope these ideas are of some help to you.

With my regards and best wishes,
Rabbi Boruch Clinton

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