Project Genesis

Let US Make Man III

Question: In Gen 1:26 it says, “And G-d said, ‘Let us make Man….’” Does this mean that there are other gods that exist, but the earth is His and we are only to follow/worship Him?

Answer: Your question is well asked. When the Torah was first translated from Hebrew into Greek at gun-point (or sword-point I suppose) by the Greek King Ptolemy, the translators put certain verses into the singular. They did so in order to avoid confusion such as yours. Unquestionably, the Torah, the source document of monotheism, does not mean to imply that there is anything other than the one G-d. And this is perhaps the tragedy of the translation of the Torah into other languages—they lack the accompanying explanation that teaches us how to understand it.

The real meaning behind these references needs to be understood, each within its own context. Regarding the verse you quoted, there are many beautiful levels of meaning being expressed. One such idea was clarified by Rabbi Ovadia Sforno. He explains that God was telling the earth, that He had already created, to “collaborate” with Him in the creation of Man. Man is the only aspect of creation with two component parts, a physical body and a soul that comes directly from the “breath” of G-d Himself. So the “us” in that verse refers to G-d and the physical universe.

I hope this helps. For more information, try a good English translation, one which takes into account the deeper meaning behind the words themselves. (I recommend the one from Artscroll.)

Raphael Leban

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