Project Genesis

Introduction to Judaism

What resources or commentaries would you suggest to me to help me gain a better understanding and appreciation for the bible, or torah. I wish to avoid the “party lines”, so to speak, of Jewish and Christian belief/denomimation factions and just get down to the TRUTH. I appreciate any help you can give.

Thank you for your question. I don’t usually get asked for such a broad-sweeping overview of Jews and Judaism.

It seems to me a good place to start would be an essay I read recently that dates back to the early 70s. It was written by Elie Wiesel (before his great fame) in a National Geographic book called Great Religions of the World. Wiesel’s marvelous chapter on Judaism I think captures much of the essence of Torah and Jewish tradition.

Second, if you are ready for a thorough study, you might see the excellent Judaism by Isadore Epstein. This is a history that has ample discussions of Torah.

Third, for a more modern overview, try The Everything Torah Book by Rabbi Yaakov Menken and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Judaism by Rabbi Benjamin Bleich.

Thanks again for asking.

Rabbi Seinfeld

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