Project Genesis

Hassidim and Traditions

What is a tradition of Hasidic Jews?

StreimelHere’s an example: A tradition of some Hassidic groups is for men to wear a “Streimel”, which is a particular type of fur hat, on festive occasions.

It’s important to understand that all of observant Judaism follows all of the Torah as G-d gave it to the Jewish Nation on Sinai, 3,319 years ago. For example, all observant Jews refrain from eating pork products. You won’t find a tradition where one orthodox group has a tradition that allows it. Jewish tradition doesn’t work that way.

While keeping within Jewish law, different Jewish groups have different customs. If a Jew belongs to one of those groups he is supposed to keep the custom, if that custom is required by the group. For example, Jews of Ashkenazic descent do not eat rice during the week of Passover, while those of Sephardic descent are allowed to.

Regards, Eliahu Levenson

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