Project Genesis

Deja Vu

What is the view of the Torah in the matter of Deja Vu ? I find myself in situations that I feel that I have been in already . People that I meet for the first time and the things they say I feel that I already have lived. Please help me find out more about this matter ands is there any books that could help me on the subject.

I have no reliable information about the sense of deja vu that you describe, though I and many others have had the same experience. I have been told that this is an opportunity to correct an error made either earlier in one’s life or in a previous life and to respond to the situation in a more G-dlike manner. I cannot vouch for this information, though it certainly seems like a reasonable way to approach any situation, all the more so when one has the sense that he has been through the moment before.

I’m sorry that I have nothing more reliable to share, but I did not want to simply let the question go without sharing the fact that your experience is common to many.


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