Project Genesis

Torah Readings

well i wanted to know if there is something i can follow that can allow me to read the intire tanach in a year. like have a different reading for everyday…and if there is sumthing like this where can i get it and can u provide one for me

To my knowledge, no. I would imagine that it would be pretty difficult to read the entire Tanach in one year.

thanx for the answer …i know there is the haftorah and other things that
gives you a portion for everyday..can u just tell me how it works…thanx
for everything and shalom

Just to be clear – Tanach includes The Torah, prophets and scriptures.

Each week we read the Torah portion or Parsha followed by the haftorah which is taken from the prophets. The entire year’s Haftorahs is but a small fraction of the overall prophets so one would have to figure out how to incorporate the remainder into their year. Additionally, while we read some of the scriptures such as Esther and Ruth, there are others such as Mishlei that we don’t.

1 Follow-up »

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    first off thanx for all your help.. so the parsha and the haftorah is a
    portion to be read thru out the week…not like a section for each day but
    rather a portion for the duration of the week…is this correct….and
    another question….i have a site that gave me the weekly portions…i juss
    wanted to kno if u can e-mail me this weeks portion so i could see if the
    corespond… thanx for every thing and shalom

    On 12/26/05, Ask the Rabbi wrote:

    yes, that is corect. this week’s portion is miketz.

    Comment by ATR — December 27, 2005 @ 9:53 am

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