Project Genesis

Bein Adam Le Chavero

As I was learning that Rivka’s act of chesed (kindness) to Eliezer was that she offered him water before herself, didn’t even ask for any help-and then invited him to her house to eat a dinner- that is an act of bein adam le chavero (matters between people)- I wanted to know where else in the bible we can find the same act of bein adam le chavero? Another question- is modesty considered bein adam le chavero or bein adam lamakom (matters between man and G-d)?
Thank you

Avraham Aveinu demonstrates remarkable Bein Adam L’Chaveiro by attending to the angels every last need while he was recovering from his Brit Milah. Tamar demostrates this through her willingness to die rather than shame Yehudah. Rachel demonstrates this by sharing her secret with her sister Leah thereby sparing her shame. Moshe Rabbeinu demostrates this as well by ignoring his status as Melech (king) to go out and greet his father in law.

Modesty would have an aspect of both. When we dress modestly we spare others the potential of having impure thoughts. We also highlight to our Creator and King that we consider ourselves His children and therefore we dress as a princess should.

1 Follow-up »

  1. Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    What is the time period for these subjects?or how can i found out the time period?I was just wondering where i can find midrashic sources and good insights for all these concepts.
    Thank you

    They all occur in the Chumash. You might want to read the Torah Anthology or the Midrash Says which are both Midrashic works.

    Comment by ATR — December 29, 2005 @ 9:45 pm

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