Project Genesis

Moshe and the Hot Coal

Question: Where in the Torah does it describe Moshe putting a hot coal in his mouth so that he had a speech defect and where does it state that Aaron was sent with Moshe to Egypt to speak for the Jews?

Answer: The story involving the coals can be found in Midrash Shemos Rabbah 1:26. Aaron’s involvement as spokesman is found in the Torah in Shemos (Exodus) 4:14-16.

1 Follow-up »

  1. If taking the hot coal in his hand, was sufficient for saving his life…. then, why did he put the hot coal into his mouth and cause himself harm ?

    He put his hand quickly in his mouth after touching the hot coal in order to minimize the burn on his hand.

    Comment by ATR — January 18, 2007 @ 12:24 pm

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